HOST CLUB: Dodge County Canine Club
Date: May 3, 2025
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Show 2
Date: May 4, 2025
Show 1
Show 2
Dog must not be entered without a permanent UKC® registration number or a UKC Temporary Listing number. If your dog's permanent registration is pending at UKC, and you do not have a valid TL number, your entry will be invalid.
Dog's UKC Permanent or TL #:
*Breed of Dog:        Variety (if applicable):        *Sex:
*Dog's Name:
*Call Name:    *Date of Birth:
*Dog owner's name(s):
*City:     *State:    *ZIP:
*Phone:    *E-mail:
Licensed Conformation Class:
Puppy (6 months-under 1 year)
Junior (1 year-under 2 years)
Adult (2 years & over)
Open (6 months & over)
Breeder/Handler (6 months & over shown by breeder)
Grand Champion

Altered Puppy (6 months-under 1 year)
Altered Junior (1 year-under 2 years)
Altered Adult (2 years & over)
Altered Open (6 months & over)
Altered Breeder/Handler (6 months & over shown by breeder)
Altered Champion
Altered Grand Champion
Non-Licensed Conformation Class:
Novice Puppy
Brace 2nd Dog (select this for the second dog in a Brace team) -

All events are held under the Official Rules and Regulations of the United Kennel Club. Absolutely no alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or firearms will be allowed on the grounds or in the buildings on the day of a UKC Licensed event. UKC, its agents and employees, and the host club assume no responsibility for any loss, damage, or injury sustained by spectators or by exhibitors and handlers, or to any of their dogs or property, and further assume no responsibility for injury to children not under the control of their parents or guardians. UKC and the host club are not responsible for loss, accidents or theft. By signing this form, I hereby agree to waive any claim, action, or lawsuit and further agree to indemnify and hold UKC, the host club and any approved UKC Judge harmless from any claims, actions or lawsuits resulting from my participation in this event, and any action, decision or judgment made by any UKC or host club representative or approved Judge under the official UKC Rules and Regulations governing this event. I acknowledge that the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations (Agility, Conformation, Dock Jumping, Drag Race, Juniors, Lure Coursing, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Weight Pull, Precision Coursing) have been made available to me, and that I am familiar with their contents. My signature indicates that I understand and agree to the above and to abide by all of the current Official UKC Rules and Regulations.

 I Agree I have read and agree to the waiver on this electronic entry form.

By pressing the submit button I understand that doing so is in lieu of an actual signature, and that the information entered above is correct to the extent of my knowledge. After pressing submit, you will be given the opportunity to make a payment.