We breed very selectively and sparingly - usually only when we want a dog to add to our personal dogs. We will not have any litters planned at this time. If you would like to be kept informed of our future plans, please subscribe to our mailing list.
Our Approach to Breeding
At Atlas German Shepherds, we believe very strongly in only breeding dogs that are improving the German Shepherd breed in some manner. We believe in balance in all things - a great GSD has health, longevity, correct structure, correct temperament and appropriate working ability.
In order to ensure health, conformation, temperament and drives, all our breeding dogs are as follows:
- All breeding dogs are health tested - minimally we x-ray hips and elbows and test for MDR1. We also try to do cardiac, eye and thyroid testing and test for DM. In addition, we research the pedigrees of our dogs so we are knowledgeable about any potential genetic issues in the lines.
- All breeding dogs are shown in conformation and have achieved a championship in at least one registry. They must have proven over time (not just one show or one judge) that they can win in the conformation ring.
- All breeding dogs are trained in obedience or other performance events. Most will have achieved at least one performance title before breeding, but all will earn multiple performance titles over their lifetime. We may occasionally use a non-titled dog as an outside stud if we are able to personally evaluate the temperament and working ability.
- All breeding dogs have taken and passed their AKC Canine Good Citizen test.
- All breeding dogs have taken and passed a temperament test. We use both the German Shepherd Dog Club of America's temperament test (TC) and the American Temperament Test Society's temperament test (TT). Due to the limited availability of these tests, sometimes we breed prior to testing but only if we are confident in the dog's temperament.
- After each breeding, the offspring of each dog are monitored. If issues arise in the offspring that are genetic in nature, we take them into account in deciding whether to breed the dog again.
All outside bitches we offer stud service to must have had hip and elbow x-rays and an MDR1 test. We usually require additional testing and accomplishments depending on the goal of the breeding and our familiarity with the breeder. This may include OFA thyroid, OFA eyes, DM test, conformation title, temperament test or performance title.
At Atlas German Shepherds, we believe that breed separation is detrimental to the health of the dogs. By separating out a small gene pool from the German Shepherd based on color, we would be unnecessarily harming our genetic diversity. We also believe that these dogs are purebred German Shepherds and calling them something else doesn't change that. As such, all dogs we own or co-own are registered with the United Kennel Club as German Shepherd Dogs - not White Shepherds.
If you are looking for a puppy, email us and we are happy to assist you in finding a puppy that will suit you.